Social Authority Profiles

Boost your brand and website with safe authoritative backlinks from the most powerful social site on the web.

Social profiles are one of the safest link building programs you can undertake because it is as natural as it gets.

In fact, we have taken a local business website from obscurity to the top of page two for its main keyword just using social profiles and social hubs! Another important point, you want to claim these powerful social profiles before another similarly named business beats you to it!

Using Know'em as our starting point, we have compiled a list of 250 powerful social sites that you can get either a branded profile, backlink, citation or all 3.

We have split social profile building into unique packages to accommodate budgets, and profile building preferences.

While these packages are recommended to follow in the steps below, you can order whichever option you like.

5 Social Profile Package Options
Step 1 - Dofollow with social profile interlinking - 40 sites: This is a highly recommended starting point. These social sites not only allow dofollow links but also allow interlinking to your main social sites.

Step 2 - Dofollow standard social profiles - 50 sites: These social sites give dofollow links from the profile page. If you have already done the Dofollow Social Profile Interlinking list, this will be the next one to implement.

Step 3 - Nofollow with social profile interlinking - 50 sites: Although this list contains nofollow links, it is important to have nofollow links in the mix as it is part of a natural backlink profile. Another advantage is they can be heavily interlinked with your main social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc.

Step 4 - Nofollow standard social profiles - 70 sites: These are standard nofollow backlink social profiles that do not allow interlinking but you still will get a link.

Step 5 - Nofollow and no backlink social profiles (USERNAME AND CITATION ONLY) - 125 sites: While these sites do not allow a backlink you will get your brand name out there with a citation from an authoritative site. This is perfect for expanding your brand name and citations at a low price.

Recommended Add-On
Social Hub - Link Rapping: We have compiled a list of 20 hub/link rapping sites. We'll be setting up and optimizing each one for you with this addon. These sites allow a large amount of interlinking not only from your social profiles but some also allow your site pages, Web 2.0 or any webpage you want to interlink. To give you an idea of what one of these sites looks like, here is a social profile hub:

