A local citation is any online mention of the name, address, and phone number (NAP) for a local business. Citations can occur on local business directories such as Yelp, Google My Business, on websites and apps, and on social platforms. Citations help Internet users to discover local businesses and can also impact local search engine rankings.

Incorrect citation information on the web can hurt your rankings. Get all your citations audited and fixed up so they provide the best boost to your online presence.

Here is a quick method to manually check out the quality and state of your citations. Go to google and in the search box type your business phone number in quotes and search. You are looking for incorrect NAP info mixed with multiple duplicates.

This manual method can be time-consuming, so that is why we offer a service to do it for you.

This is a service developed for any kind of local site that has problem citations. Whether you need just a few edits or a whole lot of them, we've got you covered.

Our cleanup campaigns are a multi-step process that normally takes around 3 weeks to complete. We work to remove duplicate citations and enforce the businesses standardized NAP across all sites on your entire list.

Here is the benefit of using this service:

Even if have a small number of citations to correct, fixing these yourself can be a major time consumption. If you have got 100 or more citations to fix it will most likely take you days to correct.

After we've fixed your citations, we'll give them a bit of a boost so Google can re-index the corrected citations quickly.

While a small number of sites might not be editable, namely Yext sites, we are typically able to edit 70%-90% of incorrect citations.

You'll get a detailed report that shows every site we've edited along with the reasons why we may not have been able to edit a specific site.

